What is Conscious Pedagogy?
Conscious Pedagogy emerges in response to the following types of critical awareness and recognition:
(1) of oneself as a relational being, and of one's own judgments (both critical and approving), projections, and insecurities as limiting and potentially oppressive factors in the learning process;
(2) of the need to allow, honor and affirm the validity of each student's inner process and perspective(s);
(3) of the student-teacher relationship as the central instrument in facilitating each learner’s development;
(4) of the spontaneous, synergistic and exploratory qualities of the learning process;
(5) of individual life experience as a vital and relevant context within which to integrate information and construct meaning;
(6) of the fundamental interrelatedness (or interbeing) of subject matter;
(7) of the incomplete, dialectical and emergent nature of human understanding.
Image credit: Cody Roberts Art